Ben Ritrovati n.8
Dear friends,
as each year in September, we find ourselves involved in bringing forth our Magazine. In this edition we have new-entry writers while others confirm their precious cooperation even this year. The magazine is a difficult venture, a good dose of commitment and dedication, coordination and respect are necessary. This is probably the reason why it remains an annual publication in order to manage this means of comunication in continuous evolution and improvement in the best of ways.
With our commitment we try to expand year after year, improve ourselves becoming more and more professional in realizing an editorial format that expands its potential target of readers added to those already confirmed.
The Rallo Magazine has changed from classic house organ into an editorial device capable of comunicating current events, trends, cinema, fashion, life style, traditions and goods.
All by means of a precious theme: wine.
Wine is a live material, it changes, has its story, is linked to its territory. For this reason wine has much to communicate. Rallo is wine in a special way, it is artisan drinking, it is respect for the environment, it is territory, it is history.
Since the 2017 vintage, with the launch of AV01, Rallo is also orange wine, a true production philosophy adopted with our usual semplicity and curiosity. As explorers we have gone about to discover the fantastic world of yeasts, reporting our acquisitions on our blog, rallo weblog. We discovered new realities, new producers, men, workers.
To obtain a good bread you need to assemble simple but good ingredients, this is what we commit ourselves to do: put together simple but true-to-life stories, as for the Magazine.
It becomes more and more important to define the subjects to describe with editorials, articles or interviews that best state the winery characteristics and illustrate to the readers something true and interesting.
Even more imporant is to choose the right motivated people to carry out the project transmitting a message coherent with the company’s identity.