Contest Foto numero 8
According to common opinion, photography reliably reproduces reality. We rather say that it only provides images. These images, however, are those of our culture that witnesses our position in the world.
The concepts of “Truthful reproduction” and “selective image” are respectively premises of illustrative and creative phortography. It is however necessary to clear the mind of these preconceptions: there are no objective reproductions.
The same considerations may fit into the relation between the reader and the image, since, in final analysis each person reads what he can read, in relation of his image of the world. Considering the fact that photographic images are opinions upon reality or should we say, attitudes towards reality, the aim of the photograher is to avoid the mistification linked to the “real” images and clearly make use of the necessary evaluative distance that formulate personal ideas. And this is what was asked to the authors of the images of this edition, photos that represent a forgotten itinerary, that of the Liberty period of Palermo.
Enjoy the viewing. (Enjoy the read). SV
A special thank to: Antonino Dallara, Fabrizio Pace.